Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Transition time

A recap of recent events in our WestCiv classes:

Monday:  While I was in Washington, DC with the seniors at Arlington National Cemetery and the Holocaust Museum, you took a test on Chapter 3.  (BTW, I am looking forward to three years from now, when you guys are seniors, and I can accompany you on this moving and meaningful trip.)

Tuesday: Section 1 meets.  Students who were absent make up the test; students who needed more time to complete the test do so in class.  The rest of you begin work on the Study Guide to Chapter Four, posted on this blog.

Today:  Section 2 and 3 do the same thing that Section 1 did yesterday.  Now everyone has taken the test, and we are all caught up.  I will get the tests graded over the coming weekend.  Section 1 began watching The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization, an astonishing experience. 

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