Monday, February 18, 2013

Random notes.

Takin' care of business on a day off.
  • I'm trying to keep on top of grades more than I have in the past.  Right now, everything is up-to-date - check your PowerGrade to see your current grade.
  • If you didn't do the LO-1 assignment from last week (see my posting from Feb. 9 for details) you have a zero.  Even though it's a week late, I will give you half-credit if you get it done.  If you decide to do it, email me to let me know you have posted it.
  • John Green has another (slightly silly yet still informative) Crash Course video, which I have posted.  He spends more time on the Persians than we do, but it is great background information on what an amazing empire the Persians had, and why it was so astonishing that the Greeks simply did not allow themselves to be defeated by them. There is also some food for thought about historical bias.
  • I have posted a very thorough outline of Chapter 3.  It's called (cleverly enough) "Chapter 3 outline - The Greeks, 2200-400 BC").  It covers the entire chapter, which you have also covered in your PowerPoints.

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