Friday, May 3, 2013

Pax Romana - the paper


work in pairs

start it in class, finish it for homework

use p. 104-121 in the text, plus Wikipedia

Write at least 500 words on the
Pax Romana, the new monarchy,
and the changes that took place then

100 points, due Monday at the start of class

That is the basic assignment, as presented to you yesterday. Let me add more detail, forthwith.

This paper is to be your own, original writing. As with any paper you write, if you extensively "copy-and-paste" you will receive a failing grade and be subject to disciplinary action. Nobody likes a cheater, which is what a plagiarist is.

This paper is to be printed up and handed to me at the start of class Monday morning. Include the names of both writers and your section. Use Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced.

Give your paper an interesting title. ("The Pax Romana" is not an interesting title.)

Also, we will take a 100-point test - on Tiberius Gracchus, Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, and the Pax Romana - on Monday. Be ready!

Let me know if you have questions, and happy writing!

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