Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Your WCIV textbook

Special note regarding your WCIV textbook:  Next Tuesday, when you take your exam, you will turn in your textbook.  You will bring the book with you to the exam, and leave it with your proctor.  I will collect them from the three classrooms, and check them against the list I compiled at the start of the semester.

Hopefully, you all have the same book I assigned you back in January.  If you turn in someone else's book, they will have their name checked off the list, not you.  If your book is not turned in, you will be charged for it (around $70).  I will turn in the textbook list to Mr. Scholl on Wednesday, June 5.  If you find your book anytime after Wednesday, you should turn it in to Mr. Scholl so he can take your name off the "Student Who Owes John Carroll $70 Because They Lost Their Book" list.

In class today, Section 1 takes their Feudalism test, while Section 2 and 3 have the day off.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Your future.

Here is what we have scheduled for the rest of the year.

Tomorrow: review of Feudalism.

Saturday, May 25 - Monday, May 27: Three-day weekend - Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 28:  Section 01 takes test on Feudalism.

Wednesday, May 29:  Sections 2 and 3 take test on Feudalism, Section 1 reviews for final exam.

Thursday, May 30:  Sections 2 and 3 review for final exam.

Friday, May 31 through Sunday, June 2:  another three-day weekend!

Monday, June 3:  Religion and Science exams.

Tuesday, June 4: English and Social Studies exams.
  • Section 1 tests in Room 222 
  • Section 2 tests in Room 216 
  • Section 3 tests in Room 111

Wednesday, June 5: Math and World Language exams.

Thursday, June 6:  Start of Summer Vacation!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The Iron Plow!

As the plow moves, the colter (the vertical blade) slices through the earth; the plowshare then rips the earth up from underneath; and the moldboard (beneath the handles) shoves against the earth, turning it over so that it settles as loose and fertile soil. 

This is what passed for a revolutionary invention during the Middle Ages.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Due to the Freshman Retreat, I only returned tests to Section 1 today.  I will juggle the schedule a bit (get it?  juggle?), and get Sections 2 and 3 their tests back on Wednesday.  I hope you enjoyed retreat!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

more grades

Last Wednesday's test grades have been posted.

A few of you need to make that up.  Monday would make the most sense.

Grades being posted

The POP quiz you took on Friday has been posted.

If you weren't in class Friday, you'll be making it up in class Monday (tomorrow).

More grades to come.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

the legacy of the barbarians

In class we identified seven barbarian groups who successfully invaded parts of the Roman Empire.  It would be helpful for all of us to know what modern day countries were settled by some of these barbarians, and where to find them on a map.

The groups you should focus on are: Angles, Franks, Huns, Ostrogoths, Saxons, Vandals and Visigoths.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

HW 4 2nite

Tonight, read p. 164 to 173.  This is in Chapter 10 - Europe Takes Shape 700-1000, and this learning objective (LO-1) covers the Carolingians.  Take notes, and be ready for class discussion tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Section 1 leaps ahead

Don't worry, Sections 2 and 3, you'll catch up after you take your test.

Tonight, Section 1, read p. 164 to 173.  This is in Chapter 10 - Europe Takes Shape 700-1000, and this learning objective (LO-1) covers the Carolingians.  Take notes, and be ready for class discussion tomorrow.

Monday, May 13, 2013

test next class

100-point test tomorrow for Section 1; Wednesday for Sections 2 and 3.

As we reviewed in class today, the test will cover the Pax Romana, early Christianity, Diocletian, and Constantine.  There aren't too many tests left this year, so make this one count!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Constantine's Conversion

Here it is, a turning point for Christianity: Constantine at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, in all its glory.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

working our way through Roman history

Sections 2 and 3 reviewed the last test, and took a pop quiz on the early days of Christianity.  I hope you found it interesting to study Jesus from a historical perpective.

Section 3 took a look at Diocletian and Constantine, and the unique relationships they had with the nascent religion of Christianity.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Good day to be Section 1

A test review, and a quick look at the origins of Christianity in the Pax Romana.  It doesn't get much better than this.

Monday, May 6, 2013


After you finish taking the test, you will be reading most of LO-2 Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace, beginning on page 126 and ending with the first two paragraphs on page 129.  This is the only part of Chapter 8 we will cover; from there we will move to Chapter 10 and the Medieval Era.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Pax Romana - the paper


work in pairs

start it in class, finish it for homework

use p. 104-121 in the text, plus Wikipedia

Write at least 500 words on the
Pax Romana, the new monarchy,
and the changes that took place then

100 points, due Monday at the start of class

That is the basic assignment, as presented to you yesterday. Let me add more detail, forthwith.

This paper is to be your own, original writing. As with any paper you write, if you extensively "copy-and-paste" you will receive a failing grade and be subject to disciplinary action. Nobody likes a cheater, which is what a plagiarist is.

This paper is to be printed up and handed to me at the start of class Monday morning. Include the names of both writers and your section. Use Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced.

Give your paper an interesting title. ("The Pax Romana" is not an interesting title.)

Also, we will take a 100-point test - on Tiberius Gracchus, Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, and the Pax Romana - on Monday. Be ready!

Let me know if you have questions, and happy writing!