Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let's get this party started.

Here are some suggestions to get off on the right foot in Western Civ.  Start out by establishing the necessary blogular communications between us.
  • Switch your browser to Google Chrome.
  • Bookmark my blog, and put it in your Bookmarks bar.
  • If you don't have one already, create your own Gmail account.  Make note of your username and password.
  • Create your own blog for Western Civilization through
  • Bookmark your blog, and put it in your Bookmarks bar.
  • Very important: Email me the web address for your blog (to 
  • Make sure your postings will be in Eastern Time (Design -> Settings -> Language and formatting).
A crucial component of this course is your written contributions.  You are expected to post to your blog whenever we have class - usually four times a week.  Your posting is due before midnight on that same night, except on Fridays, when the blog is due midnight Saturday night.  You need to complete all the above steps so you don't fall behind right off the bat.  See me after school in Room 121 (the TV Studio) if you need help.


    Actually this is my bolg address.
    My name is Robert Luo.

  2. eh..............Just I talk in the blog =.=

  3. I am very excited about this class i am ready to do a lot of work and have another great semester with Mr shick.
